Australia’s Renewable Energy Target is under review, which could lead the Government to reduce or even abolish it. This would be a step backwards. The RET drives new renewable electricity generation, replacing high-polluting fossil fuels. Since it was introduced, the scheme has delivered $18 billion in investment and created thousands of jobs. Reducing the target is likely to increase coal-fired power generation and greenhouse gas emissions and undermine the nation’s clean energy industry.
The dinosaurs in business and politics are looking to rip into our effective renewable energy laws. Help us stop the dinosaurs before they stop our nation’s renewable energy progress. Because if the energy dinosaurs win, we all lose.
Email your local MP and ask them to protect the Renewable Energy Target
In the next few weeks Tony Abbott and the government will decide whether to cut or even scrap the Target – a bipartisan policy that has helped more than 2.5 million Australians go solar.
Now is the time to make sure our decision makers in parliament hear our message loud and clear – we need our Labor representatives to be speaking out on this issue, and government MPs to know there will be a big community backlash if they turn thier backs on solar.
Will you email your local MP your solar story and ask them to protect the Renewable Energy Target.
Who really benefits from reducing the Renewable Energy Target ?
Weakening or abolishing the Renewable Energy Target (RET) would benefit owners of polluting coal plants at the expense of households and small business.
“Who really benefits from weakening the Renewable Energy Target?” is the question asked by The Climate Institute, Australian Conservation Foundation and WWF-Australia. Based on independent modelling by Jacobs, the report finds that a weakening of the RET as per companies’ proposals would result in $8 billion additional profit to coal generators, no decline in electricity prices, additional carbon pollution of about 150 million tonnes and the loss of $8 billion in investment in new renewable capacity.Who
Who really benefits from reducing the Renewable Energy Target? from The Climate Institute on Vimeo.